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On February 28, 2021 Pastor James shared with the church body a vision for the church that the staff and other leaders believe God has been stirring for sometime. In this vision we identified three initiatives that we are intentionally pursuing over this year and throughout the next five years. We are calling this Vision 2025. We believe that God's desire for this church is that we would be a soul-winning church, a serving church, and a sending church. Check out the information below about more details for these initiatives and the sermon where Pastor James lays out the vision for the church.

Soul-Winning Church

➤ 2,500 Gospel Conversations by the end of 2021
➤ 15,000 Gospel Conversations by the end of 2025
➤ 50 Baptisms by the end of 2021
➤ 350 baptisms by the end of 2025

Sending Church

➤ 2 Church Plants by the end of 2025
➤ 3 Church Revitalizations by the end of 2025
➤ 4 people to the Mission Field by the end of 2025
➤ Create a Ministry Intern Program by May 2021
➤ Have at least 1 Ministry Intern per year

Serving Church

➤ 3 new outreach partnerships by end of 2021
➤ Initiate 1 targeted ministry

Watch the sermon from this pivotal Sunday.