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Future Campus


"Now to him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
- Ephesians 3:20-21

The Process

At the December 2020 Business Conference the church established a Long Term Planning Team to research and assess the needs of a future campus of Beach Road Church. From this research the team identified several conclusions and spent over 15 months and hundreds of hours in creating a recommendation to meet the needs of these conclusions. Below you will see renderings and layouts to what we believe is the future campus of Beach Road. Consider how God would have you give to this future hub of ministry.

Imagine the Impact | FAQ’S

What is the scope of the project?

The project includes the renovation of the current Filling Station and Route 45 areas for interim children’s ministry, the demolition of the current education wing and the construction of a new 18,000 sq. ft., 2-story building that will house an expanded lobby, new children’s ministry space, new offices, a kitchen and small cafe, as well as, twelve new flexible meeting/classroom spaces. To accommodate our temporary need for office and Connect Group space during the build, the Project Team approved procurement of the modular office facility instead of leasing local spaces near the church.

What needs does this project address?

This project addresses a number of needs that were identified by the staff and congregation including: a single unified entrance for the church campus, a larger lobby area to provide additional space for fellowship gathering before and after services, new and secure space for children’s ministry, expanded classroom/meeting rooms for youth and adult Connect Groups, updated and centrally located kitchen along with a small cafe for fellowship. The current projected cost for renovation, demolition, construction and all other associated costs is $5.75 million (adjusted by congregational vote in January 2023).  The estimated cost is approximately $250/sq.  ft.

How does this project affect the current sanctuary?

The current sanctuary is sufficient for our current and future needs. There will be minimal impact on the sanctuary with the exception of adding another set of entrance doors.

How much will the project cost?

The current projected cost for renovation, demolition, construction and all other associated costs is $5.75 million. The estimated cost is approximately $250/sq. ft.

How will the project be funded?

The project will be funded with a combination of cash on hand, a construction loan and a capital campaign.

What is a Capital Campaign?

A Capital Campaign is a mechanism to fund the financing gap between our cash on hand and our construction loan. Typically, a goal is set and the church body is encouraged to make a pledge of money they will give over and above their tithe. The pledge amount is typically paid over a period of three years.

For example: Family “A” pledges to give $12,000 to the capital campaign over the three year period. They would give $333.33 per month for 36 months, or could give a one-time gift, or pay in other installments.

What portion of the project cost will be funded by the Capital Campaign?

Based on pledged commitments and historic designated giving, the Capital Campaign Team estimated the combined Designated and Pledged Gifts in support of this project would be $2M.

When is the project scheduled to begin and how long will it take?

The Demolition and renovation of the old filling station/route 45 has now been completed! Building “B” demolition activities completed in October 2023 and new construction is progressing with an estimated completion date of October 2024.

What is the future plan for the renovated Filling Station/Route 45 area after project is complete?

We envision this space being utilized for our Impact youth ministry in some way once we are able to move into the newly constructed ministry space for children.

Who can I speak to if I have additional questions?

You can contact any member of the Project Planning Team listed below:
  • James Zik- Lead Pastor (606) 524-8715
  • Woody Walls- Associate Pastor (910) 622-5533
  • Cheryl Lancaster
  • Bobbi Glass
  • Tammy Torino
  • Clay Holland
  • Jeff Williams
  • Steve Phillips
  • John Weems
  • George Zimmerman